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The Types of Clients Masseuses Encounter

Writer's picture: SaraSara

Updated: Nov 28, 2024

🤍 Oh - the Colourful World of our Clients!! 🤍

There is so much to be said about this, yet I will try and keep it short ... who likes to read super long posts these days, right?...

One of the most charming parts of this work is meeting all the unique souls who walk through my door. Now, people often ask me all sorts of things: “How old are your clients?” “Have you ever been in an awkward situation with one?” So, I thought, why not put together a little list of the “client types” that pop up in my studio—see if you can spot yourself in here, perhaps? 😉

When I first started, I’ll admit, I was a complete neophyte—learning the ropes, figuring out who’s genuine, and who, well…hasn’t quite mastered the art of respectful energy exchange! Let’s just say I had my share of “interesting” experiences. Thankfully, most of the dodgy convos were limited to texting/phonecalls only. In the 2+ years of me doing this job, I have had about 3-4 run ins with not-so-nice people in person...

However - most people who book with me are lovely, genuine souls, and I’m incredibly grateful for each and every one. But, since curiosity always abounds, let’s delve into some of the classic types I encounter!

Anyway - here goes the list!

1. The Regulars

I'm certain I speak for all masseuses when I say that we hold a special fondness for our regulars, the heartbeats of our studio. Over time, we come to know their stories, their preferences, and even the names of their pets or favourite holiday destinations. With them, sessions become a comfortable ritual..

Our regulars remind us of the beauty of trust and connection. In the world of tantric massages, where vulnerability meets comfort, these ongoing relationships become a testament to shared growth, mutual respect, and a safe space for sensual exploration. It’s like having a recurring date with ease, warmth, and understanding—a little oasis of continuity in a changing world.

2. The Business Traveller or Tourist

In town for a conference or vacation, these clients treat themselves to a little relaxation. Usually polite, respectful, and even a bit curious. They’re the ones who bring stories from far-off places, leaving behind only smiles and thank-yous.

3. The Local "Tourists" aka "Circle Rovers"

Ah, the clients that all masseuses in town are familiar with! ;-)

Ah, the Circle Rovers—men who orbit the massage scene like satellites, constantly on the lookout for new faces. These guys love novelty, always searching for the freshest arrivals in town. They scour sites like Ilovemassage and Gumtree with the zeal of treasure hunters, keen to uncover a new name, a new profile, or a new experience.

What makes them "rovers"? Once they've completed the circuit, visiting all the practitioners they could find, they often loop back, revisiting their past stops. It’s like they’re on a never-ending carousel, revisiting old faces when the new ones run out. Their visits aren’t necessarily about connection or any spiritual search per se—rather, they’re on a quest to satisfy a wandering curiosity, a constant need for something (or someone) new.

4. The Buddy Bookers

Sometimes, two (or more) friends book together. Usually, each has their own room and therapist, but they just can’t resist the thrill of being pampered under the same roof. It’s like a group spa day without having to share the same massage table. They’re usually respectful, chill, laid-back, and here for a pleasant experience they can then discuss with their besties over a beer or two..

5. The Boundary Pushers

For these gents, the thrill is in the chase, or rather, the endless circuit. They’re professional dabblers, often on the lookout for a masseuse who might "go the extra mile." Sometimes they’re less about the massage experience itself and more about testing boundaries—seeing if what’s on offer matches what’s quietly implied (spoiler alert: it doesn’t here).

You can see it in their eyes, that little twinkle of “I’m so charming, you’ll bend the rules for me, won’t you?” OR "I have an extra few hundred quid with me, would you consider offering more?" Nice try, darling! My my boundaries are firm. Yes, I’ve seen your type before, and no, it doesn’t work like that. Respect goes a long way, and if it’s mutual, we’ll have a lovely session together...

6. The Screen-Outs

No, thanks. The ones who don’t even make it past the “screening.” Maybe they’ve been a bit too pushy, disrespectful, or they’ve just got a vibe that doesn’t quite gel. I used to think I had to please everyone, but I’ve since learnt “No” IS a complete sentence. And let’s be honest, there’s no massage good enough to warrant putting up with bad energy. (I will be sjaring more on this topic in another post!) Moving on!

7. The Complete Neophytes

Oh, they’re cute. They walk in a little wide-eyed, maybe even nervous. They’ve read all the FAQs, triple-checked the website, and they’re ready... but still don’t quite know what to expect. A good masseuse knows how to make them feel at ease, and by the start of the massage, they are already relaxed and comfy!

8. The Last Minute. Com Dudes

“Can you see me NOW?” They’re not messing around; they are after some tension release, and they need it fast. Magic takes a little time, honey! I very rarely accommodate last mins these days, as it simply isn't possible due to a busy schedule - and I do not like to rush. However, I do understand the sudden urge for a massage, it happens to me, too. ;-)

9. The Referral Royalty

This type still amazes me! These are clients who’ve been sent my way on a glowing recommendation. I never expected that there’d be such a thing as a “word-of-mouth” network among gentlemen who enjoy this type of a massage, but it’s real, and it’s super lovely. Some of my most high-profile clients have come through colleagues or friends!

They're always a good and respectful clients. The best part? They’re comfortable enough to share this with each other, even at work. Confidentiality is key, so I can’t share much more with you—but it’s not unheard of for two clients from the same firm to visit on the same day. One of my colleagues even had a funny situation where two clients who knew each other bumped into each other at the door—turns out, one had recommended her to the other! Now, that’s what I call team-building. 😏

Whatever the type, each client brings their unique energy, stories, and quirks, making every session quite the adventure. Being a tantric masseuse isn’t just about relaxation; it’s about understanding people and connecting on a level that many never experience!

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